Good on 'yer Jeff, just knew I wasn't dreaming!!!!
Pleased I found another anti-dust maker! I initially tried every other
alternative including a PIZZA knife when someone recommended it, although it
may have worked if the rubberyness state was
evident but it would have needed a very firm support underneath . But
probably due to insomnia I discovered the exact state of "rubberyness" and
---From there on in it was so easy it was unbelievable.!!
Having said that I just did a big layup making a self rigging dolly to
encompass the wing and what do you know, I missed the right time !!!!!So for
once I must join the "dusty brigade".
However there is a very valid reason to use the knife trim method, that is
if the edge is to have another lay-up laminated to it ,like the trailing
edges of the MKI wings,tailplanes,rudder,fin,aerlerons,and flaps then
the complete absence of dust from discing or sanding is a reduction of the
contamination of the new joint, so, far from causing delamination the
integrity of the new joint is improved by a huge factor.
Patience is a virtue.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: trimming layups [was: New future Europa
pilot ...]
I support point of knife trimming. The results are far superior to
anything you can do with any grinder, and it is very easy to do.
However... The timing is absolutely critical. There is a point in time
during the curing process where the layup is sort of rubbery. A sharp
utility knife will quite easily cut it and leave a beautiful edge that
requires no grinding at all. No, it won't 'bugger' up the layup.
Sometimes it isn't even necessary to sand the edge. I used this process
for all my closeouts. Again... the key is timing, timing, timing.