Perhaps you didn't drill the holes for the flap pins completely
straight. I would go back to the manual and check the points that you
are supposed to alighn with and take a good look at the pin
alignment. It it starts tight and loosens when it is virtually
inserted, then an alignment problem is probably the issue.
What to do about it is another problem however. I wouldn't know what
to do in that case other than replacing the plates in the end of
the flap and re-drilling!!
Quoting kbcarpenter@comcast.net:
> Does anyone else have problems getting the wings on? I am
> from an hour of struggling with the wings. Plane is close to
> has been taxied several times and all seems fine. One problem with
> wings seems to be the flap pin and the swivel bearing. It looks
like it
> should just go right in but it does not without much jiggling and
> fiddling. Even when the flap pin engages, the wings are resistant
> the last 3/4 inch. Has anyone changed the flap pin system to
> that works? Am I the only one with this problem?
> Ken Carpenter
> A123
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/////Eddie Hatcher Bill Lams Nick Crisp///////
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