After some fiddling, I think that digest delivery of forum messages is now
working. This is a batched daily delivery (sent at 05:00 UK time) instead of
each message being sent individually. (There are other modes available in
theory, but I haven't tried them.)
Anyone interested in swapping to this method can find the instructions in the
FAQ (see your welcome message or the Europa Club website or a link from )
If you decide to do this we would ask you to bear two rules of etiquette in
1) Please restict the lengths of quotations in postings to the minimum needed,
quoting the whole of a 30-message digest in a reply would not be helpful.
2) Please change the subject in the reply to the thread concerned, or a new
thread subject. A subject of Re: Digest 15 Mar .... is no help either
immediately or in the archives.
As always, anyne with queries or problems is welcome to get in touch with me
(using the address at the end of all forum messages).
John Clff
Europa Forum minder