You and Mark made the same point, and I did consider that solution but then
rejected it for aesthetic reasons. De gustibus, and all that.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of
Subject: Re: Avionics & panel depth
In a message dated 3/14/02 8:33:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< >While planning my avionics stack I discovered that there is not
>depth behind the panel for any UPS Aviation Technologies nav/comm,
>or transponder. Each of these requires approximately 1/2 inch (12 mm)
>than is available behind the panel to the firewall. Not wanting to make
>unnecessary cuts into the firewall for clearance my remedy is to add a
>spacer between the panel flange and the firewall. According to Neville
>is OK as long as the relocated panel does not interfere with full forward
>stick motion.
Another alternative might be to let the avionics stick out the front by 1/2
inch and make a nice wooden bevel to fit round them.
Hi All,
My panel ended up spaced aft about 1/2 " anyway when I put rubber shock
mounts between it and the firewall. It is the same as the Europa Club
Modification that was approved except the rubber cone washers were actually
the rubber parts of two pipe expansion plugs trimmed and put back to back.
Have to watch the clearance of the gear handle though if building a
monowheel. Another plus; I was thinking of using the gap at the bottom of
lip of the panel to not only pass the wiring from the fuselage stations
through but to maybe layup a heat duct of a low profile, maybe going up to
the de-mist duct. Not settled on the route of all this yet.
Troy Maynor