> So here we are, periodically monitoring systems, thinking we're
> emulating professional cockpit crews. Who are actually enjoying the>
flight, kibitzing about company policy, sports, and flight attendants.
Now, Fred,
I always spoke well of you!
Here we speak of 'professional' as those who profess publicly.
We don't have Professional Hockey players, they're commercial - although the
TV channels are managing to convert children to alien habits.
Actually, my first instructor required us to do a cockpit check
every 10 minutes (except when he thought I was going to kill him) and I
tried to do that all through fighters, but 35 years of transport would be
96,000 checks enroute - to say nothing of the size of the panel on an
So what about that cutie in Cabin 3?
> Make sense?
> [re the post about Basil Fawlty, might that be like Mr. Bean too?]
> Best,
> Fred F.