Don't remember the radio in question,
> but in certain areas around the airport the radio didn't work at all. It
was> a complete mystery - untill my radio-guru came to think that the
problems> might have to do with the length of the coax. He called it
something - which> I of coarse don't remember (getting old!!), but he
unplugged the coax and> fitted a few feet extra cable to it - and voila, no
more radio problems! TX> and RX has been working perfectly ever since.>
For what it's worth, I do not believe the the radio is now working
perfectly - although given a specific length of coax, it is much improved.
This is proof that the resonance of the antenna system is dependent upon the
length of coax feed - which is a sign that the antenna is not ideal in
either site or design. If it were, the length of feedline would be
This does not mean to imply further investigation. It simple means
the cripple now has a proper length artificial limb. I would not disturb the
touchy balance. However a small corrosion, or motion in a connector or
whatever will eventually disturb the ideal, and then it will give rise to
some research into the fault. Penny in the fusebox.
Cheers, Ferg