> A friend tried to sort out reception problems on a Citabria som time ago.
> ...until my radio-guru came to think that the problems
> might have to do with the length of the coax. He called it something - which
> I of coarse don't remember (getting old!!), but he unplugged the coax and
> fitted a few feet extra cable to it - and voila, no more radio problems! TX
> and RX has been working perfectly ever since.
A DC version of that phenomenon: a working motor, but excessive
current draw, on a thin but nominally adequate wire. Fatten the wire
to bring the motor up to its full defective potential.
For RF (AC with an attitude), Ferg's explanation is pretty cool.
Though mashing the coax with a hammer has theoretical tuning
possibilities. Also, a "loud and clear" radio check at shorter
distances has variables having nothing to do with the aircraft's
antenna, which is how even the gurus can be tricked.
Fred F.