Richard, If you do find the bearing is stiff, despite your care it is
possible to free it up fairly easily by "lubricating" the bearing with
Brasso and wiggling it for a half hour or however long it needs then
"washing" the Brasso out with oil. I would be tempted to somply follow the
manual and then deal with the stiffness if you are one of the unlucky ones.
David 402
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Iddon <>
Subject: aileron control front bearing
> I am about to redux together the front assembly of my aileron control,
> sandwiching the tufnol bearing between the CS03 bush and the CS02 control
> stick fork, then fixing in the CS05 tube.
> I have checked all the archive material and noted the concerns over stiff
> roll control. As a result I have decided that I should
> 1). carefully open up the hole in the tufnol slightly to give a little
> 'play'
> 2). place a sheet of polythene between the tufnol and the flange of the
> bush, removing it once cured to give a little end float.
> 3). Fix several lengths of fine fishing line or similar, equally spaced
> around the diameter through the length of the inside of CS02 and CS03 when
> bonding to ensure they are central and correctly aligned.
> 4). Ensure that the radius on the bottom of the tufnol block is sufficient
> to allow it to fit squarely to the front of the seat base.
> Is this sufficient to prevent stiffness developing or can anyone suggest
> anything else I might do before I start?
> Regards,
> Richard Iddon (XS Tri builder 533)