Bob Harrison wrote:
> Hi! Dave.
> I tried just that with a ball out of a battery hydrometer....... it sank
> like a lead brick!!!
> What's needed is one that floats in the fuel of specific gravity .....? and
> isn't susceptible to degenerate chemically in the fuel? Any suggestions
> chaps?
> regards
> Bob Harrison G-PTAG
Laminating resin + microballoons will float in fuel I know. One might
thus try tinting it red or such, cure a little chunk of it and file
down to proper sized ball with a hobby file and/or Dremel tool. Paint
over with pure tinted resin. has genuine epoxy
tints. Suspect that the "universal" tints available in paint stores
cheap will do too, as only a few drops needed. Test for long time in
fuel of course.
Fred F.