current rate is 27.34p per litre. You need to fill in form HO60 and send it
Mineral Oils Reliefs Centre
Dobson House
Regent Centre
Newcastle NE4 3PF
You can get a supply of forms from your local airfiled or dirrect from the
above address or by phoning 0845-010 9000 or fax on 0191-201-1723.
Basically you can claim for any fuel in the tank when you leave the UK,
providing you have UK reciepts to support the claim. In addition if you
fill up prior to leaving the UK then you do not pay VAT on the fuel uplift
prior to going. If the trip goes pear shaped then as long as you have
crossed 50N on the way south then you are ok, otherwise you are supposed to
make a confession to Customs.
In real terms this arrangement means you pay about 54p per litre for 100LL.
I run a Twin Com, with 451 litres of tanks (as well as building a Europa)
and with regular trips to France and Ireland permentantly run on cheap fuel.
As far as I know I do not think you can get UK duty back on fuel bought in
France. You used to be able to pick up duty free fuel in Ireland if you
were returning to the UK, but I do not know if you still can.
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Flying: Fuel drawback entitlement : UK to
1/ Fuel Drawback
Does anyone know the current Customs and Excise drawback entitlement for
flights to Europe ?
URL's or links would be good, but in their absence a straightforward
explanation would suffice.
I understand that aircraft flying to Europe from the UK may be entitled
to claim a refund from
the tax authorities for fuel duty.
How does this work ?
It would seem that if I fly 18 gallons of fuel to France from the UK, I
would be entitled to make a claim,
but what about 18 gallons purchased in France and flown back to the UK
I hadn't even considered it, 'til I read an article on the web. Now I
think it might help cut the cost of
foreign trips.
No doubt, someone will tell me that it doesn't work that way for private
flights, or that unleaded fuel is excluded ?