I don't understand it other than to say I was pleasantly surprised on Sunday
when leaving Southern Ireland to be told I could have a duty free rate as my
next destination was the UK. Why I haven't got a clue but I signed a
declaration to say I was off to the UK. (AVGAS)
BTW the cost was 1.32 Euros a LTR not sure what that is.
Mogas BTW is cheap anyway at about 60p per ltr or so.
Kev T
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan D Stewart" <>
Subject: Flying: Fuel drawback entitlement : UK to Europe.
> 1/ Fuel Drawback
> Does anyone know the current Customs and Excise drawback entitlement for
> flights to Europe ?
> URL's or links would be good, but in their absence a straightforward
> explanation would suffice.
> I understand that aircraft flying to Europe from the UK may be entitled
> to claim a refund from
> the tax authorities for fuel duty.
> How does this work ?
> It would seem that if I fly 18 gallons of fuel to France from the UK, I
> would be entitled to make a claim,
> but what about 18 gallons purchased in France and flown back to the UK
> ??!
> I hadn't even considered it, 'til I read an article on the web. Now I
> think it might help cut the cost of
> foreign trips.
> No doubt, someone will tell me that it doesn't work that way for private
> flights, or that unleaded fuel is excluded ?
> Alan