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Re: Tri-gear vs. Mono wheel debate

Subject: Re: Tri-gear vs. Mono wheel debate
From: Steve Hagar <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 20:36:03
Here's another vote for Tony. I typically fly a 46 Cessna 140 taildragger.
Several weeks ago I was out with a buddy in a 172. I returned home to windy
and stormy weather with the wind at 50 degrees to the runway at 20 kts
gusting to 28. There was much trepidation listening to the wind reports
before landing. However being used to the attention to detail required of
the taildragger the landing was a non event. No bouncing, no floating, and
no skidding. Though the wind almost whipped the  door off when I unlatched
it to get out.

Steve Hagar
Mesa, AZ

> [Original Message]
> From: Miles McCallum <>
 > Date: 5/13/02 10:47:46 AM
> Subject: Re:  Tri-gear vs. Mono wheel debate
> > "Tony S. Krzyzewski" wrote:
> >
> > > One thing that taildragger pilot's are unanimous about is that
> > > to handle a taildragger has made them a better pilot. There is less
> > > margin for error when handling a taildragger on the ground so you end
> > > having to unlearn all of the sloppy techniques you get away with in a
> > > trike.
> > Fred F wrote:
> > There will unnecessary debate if phrased as such!  Nosedragger pilots
> > would argue that not knowing how to do things which aren't necessary
> > isn't sloppiness.  ;-)  Like the view that better IFR pilots can do
> > zero-zero takeoffs and calculate groundspeed with a 2nd VOR.
> Ah, have to take issue there  (why do I have the feeling that Fred is
> pushing buttons and sitting back to enjoy the show?) - I'm entirely in
> agreement with Tony. When I was learning to fly (Cessna 150's at Santa
> Paula) I took time off at about 30 hours to do 10 hours in an underpowered
> Citabria before finishing my PPL - and that made a big difference to my
> Cessna flying.
> Indulging in that favourite sport of watching other pilots land (and yep,
> do provide my share of the entertainment) its interesting to sit there and
> try and pick out the taildragger pilots landing trikes... I'll bet you can
> with a success rate of better that 90%.
> Miles

--- Steve Hagar

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