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Re: Joining fusalage top and bottom (Classic)

Subject: Re: Joining fusalage top and bottom (Classic)
From: Erich D Trombley <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 09:11:58
Hello Mark,

It has been several years since I installed Graham's stern post.  If
memory serves me this was not as easy of a task as I had hoped it would
be.  At the time I wished I would have just followed the manual instead
of purchasing the stern post.  However, you already have it as did I so
that is a moot point.  I seem to remember a similar problem with my
installation.  I do know that I had to remove quite a bit of foam from
the fin in order to get adequate bonding of the fin skin to the stern
post especially near the top of the fin that I actually removed so much
foam that the lightening hole was exposed.  In the end though it did fit.
 Hope this helps.

Erich Trombley
Las Vegas, NV

> Hi All,
> I'm getting ready to fit the Graham Singleton stern post (any tips 
> would be
> appreciated:) and in setting up I've noticed the two parts aren't 
> that good
> a fit.  The starboard side is a reasonable fit and I wouldn't be 
> posting
> this email if the port side was the same.  The port side is a good 
> fit at
> the firewall and the overlap area along the side, but where it get's 
> to the
> step (where it flares up for the fin) there is about 8mm from where 
> the foam
> in the fusalage stops and the outer/inner skins meet.  This will 
> therefore
> make the overlap 8mm smaller so I'm worried about the strength of 
> the joint.
> Is this something I should worry about?  What is the minimum 
> acceptable
> overlap at the joints?
> Cheers,
> Mark.
> ________________________________
> Mark Jackson - +44 (0)7050 645590
> The Europa Forum is supported by Aviators Network UK 
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