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Re: USA Europa website

Subject: Re: USA Europa website
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 18:58:05
>" I think you misunderstand what the new site and club is."
>             Yes, perhaps you are right. Judging from the reaction here, I am
>not the sole one though.

Bob, (& Fergus)
I was a little disturbed at the prospect of having another forum to trawl 
through, which would dilute the effectiveness of my already stretched and 
aging intellect. However, a well organised and informative website with 
plenty of good pictures would perhaps make it easier to remain up to date 
with group experience.
Go for it Bob, hope to see you at Oshkosh. Are you flying in? Time we had a 
few Europas there, 65 made it to Cranfield, a few from Europe, France 
Germany, Holland, Austria, Denmark and Scandinavia probably others I didn't 


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