I'm forwarding the following notice which may be of interest to
anyone crossing East Anglia on 26th to 28th July:
From: Duncan Skeels <aeronautsaviators@yahoo.co.uk>
>Subject: Bury-St-Edmunds Hot Air Balloon Festival (Rougham Airfield)
>just going through the AIS NOTAM's..I notice that the
>notam (AB 5214) for the Bury Balloon Festival at
>Rougham Airfield on 26, 27 & 28th of July seems to
>just refer to the 27th & 28th of July. As set out in
>my message to AUSOPS in June the event will be
>starting at 0500BST on the 26th with dawn Hot Air
>Balloon flights with further tethered and free flights
>throughout the day up until approx 2000BST Friday
>evening. The organisers advise me that there will be
>approx 25 Hot Air Balloons present.
>"Rougham Radio" will be active on 118.9MHz.
>Please advise your members that they might meet some
>rather slow moving large spherical objects floating
>around the Bury-St-Edmunds area from 0500BST onwards
>on the 26th, 27th & 28th!.
>Please confirm receipt of this advisory.
>Many thanks
>Best Regards
>Duncan Skeels
>Airfield Operations Manager/Display Director
>Rougham Airfield
| Rowland Carson Europa Club Membership Secretary
| Europa 435 G-ROWI PFA #16532 EAA #168386
| e-mail <memsec@europaclub.org.uk> website <www.europaclub.org.uk>