Thanks to those who answered my wing skin question. I did call Neville in
England and received a complete answer. Dave, the correct number to get
Neville from the States is 011 44 1751 433 475, realizing that 8:00AM on
the West Coast is 4:00PM at the factory. What phone service is the 1010636
number you suggest?
The answer was that both the aileron and the flap spacing should be the same
and it should be enough to allow full range of motion and also allow for the
filling and paint application later. Nevelle suggest a piece of cardboard
(obviously not the corrigated kind and about the same thickness as the
mixing sticks) that can bend around the curved front portion of flap and
aileron fixed or glued in place. I suggest double sided tape. Of course
when the redux is applied cover with the plastic wrap for release. The
aileron close out top edge has to be trimmed leaving no less than 3/8 in (or
a little more that can still be trimmed later if necessary for fit) for glue
contact with the top skin. In that I have heard that it is easy to not get
complete gluing of the wing skin and the inability to easily inspect,
Neville made another very good suggestion. After scuff sanding the mating
surfaces, an additional step of putting the redux on all wing surfaces
required, cover with plastic wrap, place the skin on and weight as in the
final gluing process and let it set up. Remove the skin and plastic wrap
and you now have a visual of where contact will be. Excess redux that has
run over the spars and flanges can be removed. Voids can be seen showing
where to apply a little additional redux.on final gluing. Scuff sand all
mating surfaces and now only a thin application of redux (about a 1/16 in)
is necessary to complete the final glue down. Neville suggested to let it
cure for up to a week as the redux still is curing for that period as this
wing area is important and slight shifting or warping can occur if the wing
is loaded in some undesirable way depending on how it is subsequently stored
or worked on.