Not bad, but does anyone know how to get them listed by lat/long so that you
don't have to wade through the lot? I did e-mail NATS about the poor user
interface to NOTAMS, but am not suprised to have no reply yet.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Anderson" <>
<>; "David Smith" <>;
"Notam Plot" <>; "Rhomac" <>
Subject: NOTAMS
Those of us in the U.K. who are aggrieved by the 'on line' time consuming
requirements recently imposed by NATS as a condition of being allowed to
download the NOTAMs may find it quicker and more convenient to go to and select NOTAM from the menu. Do not select
NOTAM (UK) as this will lead you down the same wearisome path. Scroll to the
United Kingdom and select the appropriate FIR. If you make this site one of
your favourites you can go this far 'off line' and it is then only necessary
to go on line to download the NOTAMs. Thanks to Uncle Sam!