There's a downloadable programme on the site that lists and
plots Notams on a map. but its only (or was/) v1 and is a bit flakey.
Duncan McF
On Friday, September 27, 2002 8:24 PM, Ian Mansfeld
[] wrote:
> Not bad, but does anyone know how to get them listed by lat/long so that
> don't have to wade through the lot? I did e-mail NATS about the poor user
> interface to NOTAMS, but am not suprised to have no reply yet.
> Ian.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roger Anderson" <>
> Cc: "Ian & Barb Croft" <>; "John Ponsford"
> <>; "David Smith" <>;
> "Notam Plot" <>; "Rhomac"
> Subject: NOTAMS
> Those of us in the U.K. who are aggrieved by the 'on line' time consuming
> requirements recently imposed by NATS as a condition of being allowed to
> download the NOTAMs may find it quicker and more convenient to go to
> and select NOTAM from the menu. Do not
> NOTAM (UK) as this will lead you down the same wearisome path. Scroll to
> United Kingdom and select the appropriate FIR. If you make this site one
> your favourites you can go this far 'off line' and it is then only
> to go on line to download the NOTAMs. Thanks to Uncle Sam!