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Re: Digitrack

Subject: Re: Digitrack
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 16:29:47
Kevin, I've seen other builders with panels cut in the seat.   When I bond my 
cockpit module in I think I'm going to run two tapes of bid on the lower 
thigh supports. That will complete the "box" and keep anything from shifting. 
If anyone was wondering how I get the unit in and out. I have a screwdriver 
with a flexible shaft and the screws are allens. I just put the whip on the 
allen, and out, or in, it goes.
I was thinking of building an E-Z trim altitude hold device this winter.
I keep going back and forth on the idea, but I have 90% of the parts laying 
around the house in robots I've built. Hmmmm... still deciding.....

I use to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure..........

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