hi mike you will find that europa`s own trike has the GNS530 installed,
If you ask Andy I am sure he will be of assistance,
Ivor phillips
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr Mike Toft" <watervet@mweb.co.za>
Subject: Garmin GNS 430 - aerials
> Dear List Members,
> I am a new forum member building an XS TriGear Kit 510 in South Africa - I
started building in Oct 2001 and I'm about 7/8ths the way through the build.
> I would like to hear from anyone who has fitted a Garmin GNS 430 with the
GI 106 A - VOR/LOC/GPS/GS especially with reference to the aerials required
(other than the GPS!) - can I make my own or are off the shelf versions
better. Any other advice with the installation would be gratefully
> Regards
> Mike Toft
> watervet@mweb.co.za