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Re: Tri-Gear Main wheels width

Subject: Re: Tri-Gear Main wheels width
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 14:13:57
---From my August 12, 2002 reply to Mark Burton's query on this Forum on the
same subject...

Using the specified gear leg setup as a starting point (36.75 inches from
fuselage centerline to the end of one axle, per the manual) and measuring
the horizontal distance from the end of the axle to the edge of the tire
(7/8 inch), the total width is 75.25 inches.  This measurement was made with
the Rotax installed but the wings are not attached, nor is there anything
inside the fuselage - it is still just a complete but empty airframe.  I
would expect the gear legs to deflect slightly outward when the aircraft is
ready to fly.

Best regards,

Rob Housman

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Sidsel & Svein Johnsen
Subject:  Tri-Gear Main wheels width

All tri-gear builders/flyers:

I am planning to have a trailer built, and for certain reasons it may
preferably have to be built before I have installed the main gear on my own
aircraft.  The free clearance inside the trailer wheels is of course a
critical dimension.

I would appreciate very much to receive some actual measurements of the
extreme width on the outside of the main wheels (without speed fairings

Svein K. Johnsen
A225 (now in Norway)

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