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Re: smooth prime

Subject: Re: smooth prime
From: McFadyean <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:12:48
Are you sure that the Smooth Prime isn't the root of the problem? e.g. the 
high talc content would easily adsorb surface contamination, which may 
 only be removable by further sanding immediately prior to next (final) 

Duncan mcf.

On Monday, November 11, 2002 8:08 PM, Tony S. Krzyzewski 
[] wrote:
> >> Before I start rolling it on, does anyone have any negatives on
> smooth prime.
> That bit of the Polyfiber system works really well and is really easy to
> apply with a closed foam roller. Thin it down 5% with water on the final
> rolled coat if you want to save yourself a bit of sanding.
> Tony

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