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Re: Digital scales and Smart Tool

Subject: Re: Digital scales and Smart Tool
From: Gerry Holland <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 13:31:25
Ian Hi!
> 1. What is the best way to measure Redux accurately? Do we need digital
> scales, if so does anyone know a good source or even have a set for
> sale?

I have tried all 3 methods. Scales, Balance and Pump.
All have their merits. The Balance provide good measuring for all the 
Control Surface lay ups and worked well. Just needs organizing for 
bigger lay ups to ensure you have a series of separated hardener and 
Resin as required during lay ups.

The Scales were a boon when using Araldite 420, a glutenous mess that 
isn't easy to measure. There was a mention of suitable type from 
Maplins Electronics under 'Tools/Test and 
Measurement'. 49.95

Halfway through I succumbed to Epoxy Pump. It's marvellous allowing 
adhoc and small quantities of Epoxy as and when needed.

My recommendation would be Epoxy Pump or a  Scales. You'll need the 
scales anyway probably.

I have a Balance you can have to use now! if you're rearing to go. 
E-mail and they are yours.
> 2. We also need a Smart Tool inclinometer. Any builders finished with
> theirs and want to sell?

It is a great asset all the way through build and my guess is that it's 
the sort of Tool you would always like around. So. Probably can get one 
new at about 100 along with a Builders Level to add size to dimension 
or angle being checked


Gerry Holland

EuropaTrigear 384

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Gerry Holland
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