I would certainly recommend a resin pump for the Ampreg and digital scale
for Redux. I doubt anyone will want to part with a smart tool. I love mine
and intend to keep it when plane is finished (sad person that I am) and
guess most people will want to do the same.
Have you built a cupboard/cutting bench for your cloth? I am nearing the
end of my epoxy work and will probably take mine down soon to make extra
room in my workshop for painting. I live near Preston in Lancs. Email me
off forum if interested.
Richard Iddon G-RIXS (Tri gear no. 533)
-----Original Message-----
From: forum-owner@europaclub.org.uk
Subject: Digital scales and Smart Tool
We are new builders and already learned a lot from this forum. Tri gear
kit 566 delivered last week. Weekend spent unpacking and our workshop
now resembles an old fashioned hardware shop.
Can anyone help with two questions?
1. What is the best way to measure Redux accurately? Do we need digital
scales, if so does anyone know a good source or even have a set for
2. We also need a Smart Tool inclinometer. Any builders finished with
theirs and want to sell?
E mail ian@swankie.co.uk
Website www.gchox.co.uk