> In your comments about being at max. gross weight with two people, let me say
> this! In the year 2000 we flew from Florida to Arlington Wa. along side the
> company a/c N914EA. My a/c was at 1440 lbs. and I'm sure N914EA was in the
> same
> range when you looked at how loaded the baggage compartment was on both a/c.
> The
> aircraft flew fine at this increased weight with out any problems. When we
> arrived in the "Rockies" we saw that the 914 engine was up to the task at hand
> and the increased density altitudes were not a factor in the take off even at
> the 1440 gross weight. The one thing we learned, was that, do not retract the
> gear until we had a couple hundred feet of altitude. In doing so, when the
> flaps
> retracted, we lost some of the lift in the thin air, and the plane would lose
> a
> little altitude before regaining a positive rate of climb.
> To all of you,,, Who are reading this, pleeease do not take this as an
> endorsement to overload your aircraft. Most of our cross country flight was at
> altitudes of 13.000 to 17.500. We did not have a lot of turbulence at these
> altitudes and we were comfortable with our flight profiles that we were not
> over
> stressing the aircraft.
As I understand it, 1370 lbs is the max weight permitted in a Europa. If you
fly at above that you lose your certification and your insurance cover.
Neither is a problem unless you crash.
The figure has been set at 1370 based on the designer's calculations. Why
does anybody consider that exceeding the Max weight is permissable ?
If you were ramp checked, and the calculations were based on 1440 then the
FAA inspector would throw the book at you.
Just my twopennyworth.
Richard F.W. Holder 01279 842804 (POTS)
Bell House, Bell Lane, 01279 842942 (fax)
Widford, Ware, Herts, 07860 367423 (mobile)
SG12 8SH email : rholder@avnet.co.uk
PA-28-181 : Piper Archer : G-JANA, EGSG (Stapleford)
Europa Classic Tri-gear : G-OWWW, being built.