Mike Hutchinson, a gliding enthusiast and professional aircraft instrument
engineer, lives here in my village. He tested my aircraft's pitot and static
system, both before first flight in 2001, and at first Permit renewal in
March 2002. I will see if I can get him to write some notes on this subject
for UK Permit renewers.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cripps, David" <david.cripps@spsystems.com>
Subject: Calibration check of pitot static systems
> As part of my annual permit renewal, my new UK PFA inspector has asked me
to carry out a check of the pitot static system and instruments. I have
located somewhere to get the ASI and altimeter checked and calibrated as
separate instruments, but what is the best way to check out the plumbing of
the pitot static system? Also, do other people test their pitot static
instruments 'in situ', by adding pressure/vacuum directly to the pitot head?
This would appear to test the whole system - but how would you know whether
any errors lay in the instruments or in the plumbing.
> Any ideas on how to deal with this would be most welcome.
> David