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Re: Calibration check of pitot static systems

Subject: Re: Calibration check of pitot static systems
From: John Anselmi <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 13:45:26
G'day again Fred,

I have had many requests for the ASI calibrating water manometer 
details.  The interest is such that it would be helpful if you could 
fill in the blanks on the NACA "adiabatic standard" column.

Again, thanks for bringing the figures up to date,

Fred Fillinger wrote:

>For best accuracy, remember to correct airspeed for nonstandard temp,
>barometer, and elevation.
>The #'s below didn't match the chart which comes with RMI's uEncoder,
>so I looked in a big booklet on the topic published by the predecessor
>to NASA.  The #'s look closer to a NACA chart before correction for
>compressibility.  No factor at glider speeds, but I added a few below
>as a sort of a footnote.
>Fred F.
>>KNOTS     HEIGHT          NACA "adiabatic std"
>>           in mm
>>30          15
>>40          26.5
>>50          41.5               41.5
>>60          59.5
>>70          81.5               81.4
>>80         105
>>90         134
>>100        165.5              166.7
>>110        200.5
>>120        239                241
>>130        380
>>140        325
>>150        373                378

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