Here are two questions for the group:
1. Anybody able to download the service bulletins on Rotax engines? I keep
getting the dreaded little red X. Anybody know the mod details for the
overflow bottle to vent it better to prevent pressure building up?
2. I am about to fly and was doing a run up today on the 914 engine. At the
4100 rpm setting for run up, I am getting 200 to 300 rpm drop and maybe more.
When the power is increased to 5000 rpm, all the EGTs line up around 1500 and
the drop is 100. At 2000, the drop is 100 also. I know that 300 is the
allowed mag drop, but what do people see in operation. I hate to be at the
maximum. The engine really probably needs to get out and fly - I am
approaching 7 hours of run time. Any ideas?
First flight now is being held back by the FAA requiring a self launch glider
endorsement in my logbook. It doesn't matter that I have over 14,000 hours in
powered airplanes! Frustrating!!!!
mini U2