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RE: Europa-List: Is The UK list off the air?

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Is The UK list off the air?
From: Kevin Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 23:05:02


What about other options???

I am on 5 other Egroups. All aviation based and all with Yahoo groups. They
are extremely reliable you don't get Spam, well I don't and you don't get
adds unless you read on line and you don't get begging letters asking for
cash to support it. I guess there must be a downside somewhere but I don't
remember seeing it.

It doesn't take any managing at all you can have a moderator and his job is
to chuck off anyone that steps out of line. You have a files section for
posting pictures and loads of stuff like on line calendars.

Maybe I'm bias towards Yahoo but that's because I have seen it run so well
for ages.

Take the BMAA microlight group moderated by the British Microlight Aircraft
Association with over 500 members and I don't remember it going down once in
18 months since I joined.


Kev T
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Bruce
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Is The UK list off the air?


First let me say that I appreciate the time and efforts of
the people who spend time managing the "old" Europa-Forum.
My hobby is building a Europa, whereas those who support
this list with their time and efforts choose to spend their
hobby-time supporting and managing list-servers.

Because it is a hobby for them, my opinion is that issues
other than reliability, security, speed, attachment
filtering, and ease of list management are the basis for
continuing with list-hosting by AvNet.

At one time, I felt strongly that the Europa-Forum managers
would certainly like to dump their list-hosting burden and,
like me, spend their time on their Europas.  With that in
mind, I talked to Matt at Matronics regarding his ability
and willingness to host the old Europa-Forum.  As a
participant in some of the other aviation lists that he
hosts on his servers, I was able to experience the extremely
reliable and spam-free hosting-service that he voluntarily
provides to the home-built community.

Needless to say, Matt was extremely anxious to work with us
and I informed the Europa-Forum manager of Matt's interest.
Matt, in his enthusiasm, actually put up the "new"
Europa-List on his servers prior to any agreement from the
Europa-Forum that they would switch.

Obviously the switch-over was never made, and the stated
reason as I recall was some issue with the software that
Matt uses (or may have used) on his servers. After
reflecting on the basis for their decision, I concluded that
a switch would kill their hobby.  I can relate to that
decision since, like them, I have no interest in having an
expert build my Europa as doing so would kill the hobby
aspect of my endeavors.

The choice remains -- continuing with hobbyists whose
efforts we appreciate, or switching to a extremely
successful, professionally run organization (Matronics) that
specializes in hosting aviation-related lists.

Just my opinion.

Tracy, California

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
John Cliff
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Is The UK list off the air?


> All
> Is the Europs list from the UK off the air? I was getting
lots of traffic up
till Sunday. Tow days without a thing.  What is happening?

The server is bust again (!).

John Cliff
(from another world ...)


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