As I recall, we already had the 'Yahoo option' discussion a while back.
I have belonged to a couple Yahoo groups, but only because that was where
they were. To me there was very to like about Yahoo. I'd vote no on that.
If (big if) the other Europa list were to give it up, I'd vote for the
Matronics option.
Bruce Ludeman wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> Thank you for your thoughts.
> I also am a subscriber to a couple of lists hosted by Yahoo
> and like you; I have had no problems with their service. It
> is certainly an acceptable option for me, but it an option
> that I believe was flogged by others on the Europa-Forum
> last year when someone proposed switching to it.
> Despite being a Yahoo stockholder, I still have a preference
> for Matronics because of Matt's dedication and focus on the
> aviation community. Matt does have his optional annual fund
> raiser that you need to contend with, but that is the nature
> of user-supported services.
> Regards,
> Bruce