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Re: Europa-List: Static Charges and how to avoid them

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Static Charges and how to avoid them
From: James Nelson <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 09:29:42

No, It should be all on one common bond. Ground at one point should be
ground for all the systems.

Jim Nelson

> So am I to conclude that there should be two separate electrical 
> bonds in the 
> plane? One for all the regular things that need electrons to operate 
> (lights, 
> engine, instruments, etc.) and a separate one that bonds the various 
> nonoperating parts of the fueling systems to a single point that one 
> can attach a ramp 
> ground wire to and the container that the fuel is presently in when 
> refueling.
> For those people that drive up to a fuel pump at a gas station and 
> insert a 
> fuel nozzle to fill the tank, anyone have any special safety tips 
> for this 
> procedure?
> Mike Duane A207
> Redding, California
> XS Trigear

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