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Europa-List: 914 mag check problem

Subject: Europa-List: 914 mag check problem
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 14:44:26

Hello group,

I long for a good old reliable Lycoming engine! My 914 is now failing the mag 
check and everything I try has actually made it worse. I have consulted with 
Rotax and they have suggested several things - cleaning up the connections at 
the plug wires, swapping plugs too to bottom to see if the situation reverses 
(indicating a plug problem), changing the plugs to new.

The problem is I get a mag drop of 300 on circuit B and now 500 on circuit A. 
At this point, with cleaned up wires, new plugs - it runs rough on  mags A 
and B one at a time, with the large drop coming on A still. I now cannot fly -
think it is even running rough with both mags on. 

The latest suggestion is to check and clean up the ignition ground bolt by 
the electronic boxes. Then, it is to again check the carb synch - THEN they need

to "see the engine", which can be a big problem where I live, since I won't 
fly it until I figure out what is wrong.

One other thing I can say is I don't think I ever had a very good mag drop 
since new. It was less than the limit of 300, but not by much compared to what

most people are telling me.

Any suggestions out there besides replacing the engine with one that a 
control freak like me can adjust!

Mini U2 (grounded)

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