The Shortest Day, Longest Runway Fly In.
The Base Commander at RNZAF Whenuapai has given the seal of approval for
NZ Sport Aircraft Association members to fly in to Whenuapai on Saturday
21st June 2003. Senior Air Traffic Controlling Officer (SATCO) Chub
has generously supported the fly in by waiving many of the
usual conditions of entry necessary to fly into the area.
An arrival window between 10-30 am and 11 has been allocated to SAA
members. All other flying activity at Whenuapai Base will cease during
this time.
Aircraft not fitted with transponders may fly in as the
requirement has been lifted temporarily during the time slot
necessary for transit, arrival, approach and landing.
NORDO aircraft may fly in only if accompanied by another
aircraft suitably radio equipped.
Lunch will be simple. BBQ sausages wrapped in sliced bread
and onions. A gold coin donation is requested to offset the
initial outlay so no one will be out of pocket. Tea and
coffee available.
Now that's what I call aviation friendly!