----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergus Kyle" <VE3LVO@rac.ca>
Subject: Europa-List: Batteries
> Cheers,
> Having regretfully decided not to install the diesel, I am now
> looking at the Rotax 914, so this is aimed at those who already have. In
> considering where to plant two 7"x3"x6-1/2" batteries, I am wondering if
> there is room ahead of firewall for one or both. With two alternators, I
> only need one battery, but will make provision for two and hoped to keep
> both close together.
> Am also begging for info as to where fuel and engine
> lines should go, as well as electric power cables.
> Am building Classic mono.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ferg # A064
Hi Ferg and all.
I have a 914 nearing installation - I'm also begging for the same info!