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Re: Europa-List: Tail-plane flange dosen't match.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tail-plane flange dosen't match.
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 16:52:36

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Roberts" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Tail-plane flange dosen't match.

| Here is a question for those that have tried to finish a Europa to show
| specs. The front of the flange that meets the tail plane on the starboard
| side is aft of the tail-plane and I was able to fill the elevator out to
| meet it with no problem. However the port side is at least a quarter inch
| aft of the elevator. I have filled it forward about 1/4 inch but should go
| another eighth or so. When the plane is level I would like it to match on
| both sides. Any thoughts on this Tail plane / Elevator dilemma. Should I
| build with fill out even further?
| By the way would someone tell me the difference (If any) between a
| tail-plane & elevator. Hope this isnt one of those stupid questions that
| makes this low time pilot look lower time.
| Jeff
| A258 Tri gear

            You are going to get a million answers on this!
            Both left (port) and right (starboard) are "stabilators" meaning
the actions of stabilizers and elevators are folded into one. the early name
for this was "flying tail", first on a modern machine was the F86 Sabre,
modelB and the DC-8 series 40. So the whole big job is familiarly called a
"stab" (stealing from the fixed 'satbilizer' of yore. The Brits seem to
oscillate between TailPlane (thus parts are "TP...") and occasionally
            Don't know why you're not symmetrical with both, but will let
more knowledgeable types reply to that!
Best of luck and happy Landings

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