>I'm sure I've seen a complete parts list somewhere on the net (in Excel form
>I think) but despite extensive searching I cannot find it
Simon - you're probably thinking of the parts list on the Europa Club
CD-ROM, which might be why you can't find it on the internet!
It's produced from my own monowheel manual, and doesn't (yet) include
any firewall-forward stuff, and it started out (as every list I
compile) in a FileMaker Pro database. On the CD, in the part-page
xref folder, you should find separate Excel tabluations of both parts
(with cross-references to manual pages) and manual pages (with
cross-references to part numbers). There are also spreadsheet files
in Symbolic Link format (.sylk) for those who don't use Excel, and
dBase-format files which replicate the structure of the FMP file
system. From those, anyone with a database manager that can import
dBase format can re-construct the entire thing, which is more
convenient than using it in Excel. Of course if any Club member wants
the original FMP files, they are available on request.
I started by doing my kit delivery inventory in a FMP file. I
allocated an identifying number to each of the delivery boxes so that
I knew where to look for things later. Then when I received updated
manual pages I made a file for them so I knew what pages were updated
and when. The last piece of the jigsaw was to relate those 2 files by
noting every occurrence of every part number in the manual. It took
quite a bit of work to compile, but once done, it has been very
useful. For instance, it alerted me to the fact that the supplied
quantities of some parts (fasteners, etc) did not match the numbers
called out in the manual!
| Rowland Carson Europa Club Membership Secretary
| Europa 435 G-ROWI (640 hours building) PFA #16532
| e-mail <memsec@europaclub.org.uk> website <www.europaclub.org.uk>