Fred writes,
"Can I assume that strobes are out of the question given the limitations on the
Rotax alternator?"
I have a classic complete with 914 and have installed Whelen wingtip strobes
and position lights, however, I did not use their power supply, rather I
installed a Kuntzleman power supply that uses half of the current of the Whelen
power supply. Unlike the Whelen unit which fires both Starboard and Port
strobes simultaneously, the Kuntzlemam unit alternates between the two thereby
reducing power consumption by half as only one strobes is fired at a time (in a
double flash pattern). The unit saves some 3 amps which is significant. I just
checked their web site and noticed that they have added a new unit which is
three strobe unit for those folks going with a tail strobe in addition to
wingtip strobes. You can buy either unit without strobes. Check them out at
Erich Trombley