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Re: Europa-List: 914 Airbox Temperature monitoring

Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914 Airbox Temperature monitoring
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 16:04:12


Please call your guru at Rotax. 25 inches seems to be low. Are you flying with
fixed pitch prop?

I am running the Airmaster prop, and  at 17.500 feet I run 5300 RPM and 35
inches of manifold pressure. On Take off at 5800 RPM at full boost I see 40
inches MP.

It would appear, if you are running a C/S prop that the wastgate may not be
closing all the way. Also check that the rubber hose that attaches the airbox to
the carb is tight. You may be losing boost around these two hose's. Mine has
come loose a couple times and then I have a normal aspirated engine,until I
reattach the rubber hose.

Jim Brown
N398JB wrote:

> In a message dated 10/23/2003 7:30:48 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> >
> > I was wondering if anyone of the 914 Turbo folk out there had though it
> > worth while to monitor the airbox temperature.  I understand under certain
> > circumstances that pre detonation can be a problem.
> >
> I plan on it myself - the airbox temp can limit your power by the automatic
> waste gate control. I am hoping that is why I can only get about 25 inches at
> 17,500 in the warm weather. I used to do better in the cold winter weather. I
> would like to know for sure if that is what is happening. The is where the
> intercooler would allow more power at altitude.
> Dave A227
> Mini U2

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