I would like to solicit the experience of others with the RC Allen
electric gyro horizon unit. I have over 300 hours on my Europa and
after the first 200 hours the RC Allen failed. I sent it to the factory
where I was charged $975 for an "overhaul". Upon reinstalling it, it
still didn't work properly. After about 10 minutes of use the horizon
begins to drift...........showing a bank angle when in fact the wings
are straight and level. If I "cage" the unit momentarily, that resets
the horizon properly and I'm good for 10 or 15 minutes, but then it
begins to drift again and I start the cage/reset process all over again.
This doesn't give one a good sense of security as when you're descending
through 5,000 feet of solid IMC weather you'd like to have confidence
that the horizon is operating properly. Like John Wigney, I am unable
to utilize a vacuum horizon as my accessory pad is taken up with the
hydraulic pump for the constant speed prop. What experience have others
had with the RC Allen? What alternative electric choices are available
out there?
Garry V. Stout
A060, N4220S
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2003 21:21:53 -0500
From: John & Paddy Wigney <johnwigney@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Dynon EFIS
* I have approximately 200 hours time on my plane and for the first 150
hours I had an RC Allen electric gyro horizon. This unit was totally
unsatisfactory despite being sent back to the factory 3 times for
repair. After 5 minutes of flight, the horizon showed a descending left
bank while straight and level. Factory overhauls failed to fix the
problem, despite verification on my bench that the gyro appeared to be