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Re: Europa-List: Re:Dynon EFIS

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re:Dynon EFIS
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 10:39:23

In a message dated 11/4/2003 6:00:21 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> I would like to solicit the experience of others with the RC Allen
> electric gyro horizon unit.  I have over 300 hours on my Europa and
> after the first 200 hours the RC Allen failed.  I sent it to the factory
> where I was charged $975 for an "overhaul".  Upon reinstalling it, it
> still didn't work properly.  After about 10 minutes of use the horizon
> begins to drift...........showing a bank angle when in fact the wings
> are straight and level.  If I "cage" the unit momentarily, that resets
> the horizon properly and I'm good for 10 or 15 minutes, but then it
> begins to drift again and I start the cage/reset process all over again.
> This doesn't give one a good sense of security as when you're descending
> through 5,000 feet of solid IMC weather you'd like to have confidence
> that the horizon is operating properly.  Like John Wigney, I am unable
> to utilize a vacuum horizon as my accessory pad is taken up with the
> hydraulic pump for the constant speed prop.  What experience have others
> had with the RC Allen?  What alternative electric choices are available
> out there?

I have one in my twin comanche purchased new. It has worked perfectly for 
years - no problems whatsoever. I think you have an issue with the overhaul 
facility. There is no reason it should be behaving as you describe.

Mini U2

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