The flettner strip material that came with my kit was so warped that I
didn't use it and instead made my own out of some spruce. I painted some
epoxy on the installed spruce and that seems pretty hard. It's hard to
imagine getting any glass to wrap around a more than 90-degree edge without
vacume bagging or something.
Kevin, filling ailerons
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of KARL HEINDL
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Layup on Balsa TE of Trim Tabs
I did as Nigel, bought some thin fibreglass material from the hobby shop.
You will never
get the regular bid around the sharp edges unless you make some kind
of clamping device.
>From: Tony Renshaw <>
>Subject: Europa-List: Layup on Balsa TE of Trim Tabs
>Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 15:36:29 +1100
>I am wondering if there is any specific advice to laying up cloth onto the
>trim tabs trailing edges to toughen them up. The balsa is too soft and I
>intend on either using a single ply of BID, or 2 plies over the balsa with
>the ply stepping down as it progresses forward, or a single ply of carbon.
>I have the carbon left over from another project, however I think for this
>toughening up application the BID might be better, as it is more impact
>resisitant. With the Balsa, I have heard of priming it with a thinned down
>resin mix, but I haven't done this before. I understand the concept is that
>a thinner mix will be absorbed by the Balsa, and act as a better key for
>the cloth over the top. So, if there are any words of wisdom on this I'd
>like to hear. Thanks in anticipation.
>Tony Renshaw
>Sydney Australia
>Classic 236 Taildragger (possibly convertible)
>Tail, Wings, Ailerons, Flaps Complete and Connected
>Lower Fuse in Jig, Tail Torque Tube installed
>Mass Balance assembly installed and deflections sorted
>Intended Engine: 912S or a "turboed single rotor rotary, when I am
>Instrumentation: Undecided