Yes, Brian, you are quite correct in saying that with a crowbar circuit the
alternator output wiring still needs protection, and the 30-amp fuse could
be retained for this purpose. Alternatively, Bob Nuckoll's suggestion of a
16 AWG fuse link in the 12 AWG alternator circuit could be adopted
(although, interestingly, in Z 7 he puts the fuse link at the battery end of
the line and does not specify any protection between the battery contactor
and the bus: it would be important to ensure that this cable was well
protected mechanically to keep the smoke in). Note that in the UK the PFA
does not encourage the use of fuse links rather than fuses.
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Brian Davies
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Electrical questions
I am bit confused by your comment regarding the slow blow fuse. I thought
Paul was asking about the main 30 amp alternator fuse, which is there to
protect the alternator wiring, not protect the system for over voltage,
Surely, even with the crowbar circuit, you still need a 30 amp fuse in the
main alternator feed line?
Brian Davies kit 454