Thank you for your message.
The regulator I was speaking of comes in the crate with the Rotax engines.
It has Ducati Energia stamped on it.
It is not a shunt regulator.
The problem is, there is no real thermal connection inside between the SCRs
and the beautifully finned case. The SCRs are soldered on the PCB and
encapsulated in some plastic stuff, with no heat sink.The soldering
thechnique seems rather crude.
I can send pictures of a dismantled unit to those interested.
As most builders in our area use lots of amps with the 914, the regulators
run pretty hot INSIDE.
They are usually installed with a 22000 uF capacitor in addition to the
battery, to prevent any disconnection problem.
> The regulator referred to is not made by Ducatti but by Tympanium, follow
> this link for more info:
> As with all permanent magnet alternator shunt regulators you need to
> the heat sink face is attached to a metallic surface.
> Screwing them to a plastic firewall inside a hot engine bay is part of
> problem.
> Poor AC and DC wiring/connections to and from the regulator and
> is another.
> Inadvertently disconnecting from the battery whilst the engine is running
> is
> another.
> Information on Ducatti alternators from:
> Graham Laucht