Turbin, smurbin, what do you expect from a bureaucracy like the
FAA. I really have an early 912 S pulling my fine airframe around in the
Florida air. Other than the weird starting requirements (all dependant
on temp's) it runs real nice. I do highly recommend the heated collars
for the carburetors to keep the ole carb ice monster away.
Jim Nelson
(I did check my exhaust to see if it smelled of burnt kerosene - it just
smells of gas)
> > I have the Mono config and a 912 S
> Not according to the FAA! N15JN is shown as "Turbo-jet" engine!
> Shurely shum mishtake here?
> regards
> Rowland
> --
> | Rowland Carson Europa Club Membership Secretary
> | Europa 435 G-ROWI (660 hours building) PFA #16532
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