Landings are fine if you can get the flaps down far enough. I find that the
27.5 degrees available with the electric flaps is not enough for an other
than flat-profiled landing.
I don't see why it can't be made more. The setting for the monowheel (which
is slightly more) was optimised to the specific characteristics of the
monowheel configuration .
Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Nelson" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Electric flap servo?
> Steve,
> You could do it but why??? It flys great and T.O. and landings
> are fine. Why complicate the proceedures. Ivan designed it to work with
> a minimum of work. Simplicity it at its best with the monowheel and its
> gear, outrigger and flap workings.
> Jim Nelson