Sue - Bill Hi!
I have the Dynon with Back up Battery and although my Europa is not flying
yet the Dynon has already been airborne!
> DYNON (1770 Euro)
> Pros;
> * Brilliant price
> * Built in backup battery
The price you quote is purchased in US and carried back without
'declaration'. If you don=B9t go on Holiday and smile sweetly going through
Customs then add the 17.5% VAT at least. If it's sent then the Bill of
lading will attract many more charges when clearing Customs from Carrier or
Import Handler.
The back up Battery is awesome with 2 hours life supplying 10 Instruments.
It doesn't get much better than that in a Electrical power loss situation.
> Cons;
> * Crude graphics
I politely disagree. It's a small screen and can look a little cluttered but
it's viewing capability and quality is great even in full Sunlight. The
Graphics has a range of visual cues that can be set. It does though only
weigh 1.5 lbs. That has to be an advantage in a Europa and it fits in all
> * Inability to display the pressure setting on the main screen- I wrote
> to Dynon and queried this and got a prompt response confirming that the
> Altimeter pressure setting is only available on a separate screen
> accessed by two button pushes - they also state that they have no
> intention of changing this.
I don=B9t blame them! You are getting any height information against a pre-set
Q**** figure and that is standard on Dynon. You cant view what you set
unless you briefly switch screens. Several points here:
Not having it in sight actually makes you switch to that screen and adjust
setting. It's not unknown on a standard Altimeter to misread hg/mb scale or
not remember to update pressure Setting.
The PFA will insist you have conventional ASI and ALT so that you can set to
something in an emergency as reference.
If you are using these primary Instruments in a 'visibility' emergency then
the barometric setting will probably be set to Regional QNH. In theory the
PPL minima will allow you to view destination or landing well before you run
out of visibility. The GPS will also be giving you some crude height and
obstruction information too. Having an incorrect Q setting will not crash
the Aircraft but rightly could put you at risk of possible ground or
obstruction strike. Changing Q setting will only be requested at the
emergency arrival Airfield but not insisted on if Aircraft capability to
comply is marginal. In my opinion it's not a concern but quite rightly it's
your choice.
On a plus side the 'Baro' button if pressed in correct and simple sequence
defaults to transition setting of 1013 without any adjustment of scale. That
could be your answer on knowing a consistent height in emergency situation.
> I really don't feel comfortable with the idea of having to loose my
> primary instruments to check or alter the altimeter setting -four button
> presses and a variety of option screens seems to be a backward step from
> the functionality of an analogue instrument. It would be simple enough
> to use a traditional altimeter but it does raise serious doubts in my
> mind about the whole approach to the design
It is not a IFR Device. and not claimed to be so the situation you are
guarded about has some ownership by the crew in flying into such a condition
when only VFR operation is allowed. VFR conditions are as relevant at
destination as they are at departure.
You display all screens at once except G Meter unless you set otherwise and
that=B9s as 'bars=B9 and or units.
> * No European presence- some doubt about the commitment to service this
> side of the Atlantic.
The Hardware and Software Service is second to none. Good Company with
helpful crew.
> Blue Mountain EFIS Lite (3550 Euro)
> B & A UFD64 (8250 Euro)
Too big, Too heavy, Too much! for the excess information to hand in a
strictly VFR Europa Aircraft here in UK. In the US it=B9s a completely
different matter.
> Grand Rapids Horizon (4725 Euro)
Excellent Product and worth full consideration. It can of course combine
everything. EFIS, GPS and EIS but that's a fair few dollars more.
GRT are a great Company too so support and after service would be great and
not really affected by being the other side of the 'pond'.
So in summary. The Dynon and GRT Horizon are both very capable and ideally
suited to a VFR Europa. The savings on weight and space are a prime factor
in choice and the odd niggle about functionality is fully eclipsed by the
value and operational benefits.
All IMHO of course!
Hope you are both well and the build continues well. I=B9m delayed for
internal politics at Home..... The Kids are all but gone and now the House
has to be refurbished. Call in if you are over this way! You can help
complete the Kitchen!
Kindest Regards
Gerry Holland
Europa 384 G-FIZY
Trigear with 912 and Arplast CS Prop.
Fuselage being Painted, Wings ready to paint, Flying surfaces painted
Airframe Wiring complete, Full Size Panel 50% done .
Includes Dynon EFIS, KMD 150, Icom A-200 and SL70 Transponder. AoA Fitted.
Activity on Panel completion, Heater Unit.
+44 7808 402404