Thanks for a great discussion, I found it most helpful.
MotorGlider parts developing a lower state of entropy ;)
Gerry Holland wrote:
>Sue - Bill Hi!
>I have the Dynon with Back up Battery and although my Europa is not flying
>yet the Dynon has already been airborne!
>>DYNON (1770 Euro)
>>* Brilliant price
>>* Built in backup battery
>The price you quote is purchased in US and carried back without
>'declaration'. If you don=B9t go on Holiday and smile sweetly going through
>Customs then add the 17.5% VAT at least. If it's sent then the Bill of
>lading will attract many more charges when clearing Customs from Carrier or
>Import Handler.
>The back up Battery is awesome with 2 hours life supplying 10 Instruments.
>It doesn't get much better than that in a Electrical power loss situation.
>>* Crude graphics
>I politely disagree. It's a small screen and can look a little cluttered but
>it's viewing capability and quality is great even in full Sunlight. The
>Graphics has a range of visual cues that can be set. It does though only
>weigh 1.5 lbs. That has to be an advantage in a Europa and it fits in all
>>* Inability to display the pressure setting on the main screen- I wrote
>>to Dynon and queried this and got a prompt response confirming that the
>>Altimeter pressure setting is only available on a separate screen
>>accessed by two button pushes - they also state that they have no
>>intention of changing this.
>I don=B9t blame them! You are getting any height information against a pre-set
>Q**** figure and that is standard on Dynon. You cant view what you set
>unless you briefly switch screens. Several points here:
>Not having it in sight actually makes you switch to that screen and adjust
>setting. It's not unknown on a standard Altimeter to misread hg/mb scale or
>not remember to update pressure Setting.
>The PFA will insist you have conventional ASI and ALT so that you can set to
>something in an emergency as reference.
>If you are using these primary Instruments in a 'visibility' emergency then
>the barometric setting will probably be set to Regional QNH. In theory the
>PPL minima will allow you to view destination or landing well before you run
>out of visibility. The GPS will also be giving you some crude height and
>obstruction information too. Having an incorrect Q setting will not crash
>the Aircraft but rightly could put you at risk of possible ground or
>obstruction strike. Changing Q setting will only be requested at the
>emergency arrival Airfield but not insisted on if Aircraft capability to
>comply is marginal. In my opinion it's not a concern but quite rightly it's
>your choice.
>On a plus side the 'Baro' button if pressed in correct and simple sequence
>defaults to transition setting of 1013 without any adjustment of scale. That
>could be your answer on knowing a consistent height in emergency situation.
>>I really don't feel comfortable with the idea of having to loose my
>>primary instruments to check or alter the altimeter setting -four button
>>presses and a variety of option screens seems to be a backward step from
>>the functionality of an analogue instrument. It would be simple enough
>>to use a traditional altimeter but it does raise serious doubts in my
>>mind about the whole approach to the design
>It is not a IFR Device. and not claimed to be so the situation you are
>guarded about has some ownership by the crew in flying into such a condition
>when only VFR operation is allowed. VFR conditions are as relevant at
>destination as they are at departure.
>You display all screens at once except G Meter unless you set otherwise and
>that=B9s as 'bars=B9 and or units.
>>* No European presence- some doubt about the commitment to service this
>>side of the Atlantic.
>The Hardware and Software Service is second to none. Good Company with
>helpful crew.
>>Blue Mountain EFIS Lite (3550 Euro)
>>B & A UFD64 (8250 Euro)
>Too big, Too heavy, Too much! for the excess information to hand in a
>strictly VFR Europa Aircraft here in UK. In the US it=B9s a completely
>different matter.
>>Grand Rapids Horizon (4725 Euro)
>Excellent Product and worth full consideration. It can of course combine
>everything. EFIS, GPS and EIS but that's a fair few dollars more.
>GRT are a great Company too so support and after service would be great and
>not really affected by being the other side of the 'pond'.
>So in summary. The Dynon and GRT Horizon are both very capable and ideally
>suited to a VFR Europa. The savings on weight and space are a prime factor
>in choice and the odd niggle about functionality is fully eclipsed by the
>value and operational benefits.
>All IMHO of course!
>Hope you are both well and the build continues well. I=B9m delayed for
>internal politics at Home..... The Kids are all but gone and now the House
>has to be refurbished. Call in if you are over this way! You can help
>complete the Kitchen!
>Kindest Regards
>Gerry Holland
>Europa 384 G-FIZY
>Trigear with 912 and Arplast CS Prop.
>Fuselage being Painted, Wings ready to paint, Flying surfaces painted
>Airframe Wiring complete, Full Size Panel 50% done .
>Includes Dynon EFIS, KMD 150, Icom A-200 and SL70 Transponder. AoA Fitted.
>Activity on Panel completion, Heater Unit.
>+44 7808 402404