...though eagerly anticipated....:-p
Paul McAllister told me how to find y'all. I know you weren't hiding, but
I've been in no shape to actually *look*, so my apologies for taking so long
to get here.
Long story short: N8690E is back to getting built - the top will be bonded
on soon (thanks to the lads at Flightcrafters) and I'm rounding up the parts
for the instrument panel. In fact, the Rocky Mountain microEncoder and
microMonitor kits are in my front room right now. Once I get a few inflamed
vertebrae healed (yes, it's always something), the soldering will commence.
The website is still up, though not much by way of updates just yet:
I have another website that's of a purely commercial nature; feel free to
email me at Admin@protacglobal.com for details, I shan't advertise it here.
Steve "El Roto" Genotte