----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve & Eileen Genotte" <damnyankees@comcast.net>
Subject: Europa-List: The Rumors of My Demise...
| ...though eagerly anticipated....:-p
| Paul McAllister told me how to find y'all. I know you weren't hiding, but
| I've been in no shape to actually *look*, so my apologies for taking so
| to get here.
| Long story short: N8690E is back to getting built - the top will be bonded
| on soon (thanks to the lads at Flightcrafters) and I'm rounding up the
| for the instrument panel. In fact, the Rocky Mountain microEncoder and
| microMonitor kits are in my front room right now. Once I get a few
| vertebrae healed (yes, it's always something), the soldering will
| The website is still up, though not much by way of updates just yet:
| http://home.comcast.net/~damnyankees/Mainpage.htm
| I have another website that's of a purely commercial nature; feel free to
| email me at Admin@protacglobal.com for details, I shan't advertise it
| Steve "El Roto" Genotte
Keep kickin', Steve!