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Re: Europa-List: Wing root layups

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Wing root layups
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 11:11:36

 Howdy Steve!

How's the bird?

I hope it was not my photos that I uploaded last night causing your concern. 
With my luck, I'm probably the one that made the boo boo.

 When looking at the root rib there was a definite area that you could feel 
where the factory lay up stopped.  I made a line just beyond the indention so I

would be certain my lay-ups would extend past. What I did was take the length 
instructed in the manual and used the starting point as instructed.  The 
lay-ups ended close to the mark I had made! Luck...

I'm guessing size matters in the case of this lay-up.  I would invite other 
to look at everyone's chapter eight photos in the gallery and comment.  Better

yet they should take time and load their own build photos in the gallery. 
These photos can be quite helpful illustrations, and the site is easy and quick
use.  <Thanks to Steve> 

A276 in Texas
Will chapter eight ever end?

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